Much has been seen and said about the Hong Kong occupy movement, but not enough has been mentioned about the individual people who are out there everyday putting themselves at risk for the future of their families and country. Although they face police brutality and violence from opposing parties, the protesters have remained peaceful in plight of their cause. The movement has become so big that it has no one leader, but these individuals have taken it upon themselves to help in any way they can. Each act, no matter how small is what makes the HK Occupy movement the most moving, beautiful, and humbling act of civil disobedience I have ever witnessed. I have been extremely fortunate to be present at this time in Hong Kong’s history and only wish to share the story of what I have personally been a witness to. Even if the protesters were to go home, or be forcefully removed, I do not believe that will be the end of what has been one of the most historic protests of the modern age world.